How to Prepare a Pool for the Summer

It is a common trend that most people neglect the regular maintenance of their pool, especially in winter. This trend implies that the pool will get filled with leaves and other debris, and the water will be murky. But take hope- the pool that was neglected in winter can be brought back in shape for summer and ready for many swimming activities.
As a pool owner at Burleigh Pools Queensland, summer is one of the best seasons of the year. It is the ideal time to relax and spend quality time with family and friends while enjoying the outdoors. However, at the end of a long winter wherein the pool remained unused, there are some preparations to be made to make it ready for the busy summer season.
Following are some tips to take care of your backyard pool for facing the hottest months of the year:
Begin with a quick clean
Please start the process of preparation by removing the cover of the pool and conducting a quick visual evaluation of the pool and its equipment, like the pump. Typically, the water will be slightly discoloured and murky, but there is no need to get worried at this stage.
The objective at this stage is not to clean the pool completely but just to get rid of any large debris (that may block the filter). The main thing to do is to skim the top to remove twigs, leaves and other debris. On completion of this, be sure to clean out the skimmer box and filter.
Cleaning the pool may not be an exciting task, but there are some methods to make the process less boring and may even prove to be cathartic. The first thing to decide is whether to drain the pool totally. This decision depends on the state of the water and when it was last cleaned.
More cleaning
In case the pool has a good number of general debris like leaves, a leaf net can be used to make the process of removal less time-consuming and easier. Another good thing to do is to brush the floors and sides of the pool with a stiff-bristled brush. By this, it is possible to loosen up any dirt that could have built up with time and also to boost circulation.
The next step is to vacuum the pool, which may be the most time-consuming feature of the cleaning process. Thankfully, this can often be completed with an underwater pool vacuum that might not require any complex action from you except for emptying the collection bag in regular periods.
At times, when water is substantially dirty and there is much debris or dirt, it will be tough to clean the pool. But pool experts vouch for the fact that with proper maintenance and enough patience, the pool water can be restored to a pristine state easily.
Check pH levels of pool water
In the next stage, it is a must to ensure the balance of the pH levels of the pool water. The pH level refers to the ‘potential hydrogen’ level and is a measure of the alkalinity and acidity of the water. The ideal pH level of water is in the range of 7.2 and 7.6.
This step is surely the most recommended one with regard to the maintenance of pools. If pH is on the lower side (called Acidic), it can irritate the eyes and skin and reduce the natural oils of the skin that keep it moisturised. It can also damage the equipment of the pool, like dulling the appearance of the tiles and damaging the pool lining.
If pH is on the higher side (Alkaline), it can irritate the eyes and skin and also impact the quality of the fabric of your swimwear. As for the impact on the pool, it can clog the filters by causing deposits of calcium on surfaces.
Though this issue seems grave, it can be combatted easily with testing of the pool and adjusting levels of pH by adjusting chemicals. A pH testing kit can be easily purchased from a local store. Simply add drops of pool water to testing strips and observe the resulting colours to judge whether water is acidic, alkaline or optimal.
Add chemicals
This action is the point to get the water and chemical levels back to the suitable range. You may be tempted to drain the pool completely, but there is no such need. Instead, add fresh water using a garden hose and make use of the right mix and quantum of chemicals for preparing your pool clean and nice for the summer months. For Burleigh Pools in Burleigh Heads, use the right chemicals for the pool.
Test level of salt
Standard kits of pool water testing cannot inform you about the level of salt in the pool. You will want the right salt level after heavy rain and winter. For this, salt test strips can prove useful. For proper use, follow the instructions on the kit. If required, add the right number of bags of salt as suggested for the size of your pool.
End with deep clean
Once you confirm that the pool is in good condition, a final clean is recommended. This action includes cleaning the areas around the pool as well as vacuuming the pool bottom.
In sum, after you follow the above tips, you are headed for a summer full of fun and frolic in your backyard pool. From poolside parties to family fun in the pool, the best times are awaiting you.